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Picture a serene scene: a cosy corner, a warm cup of chamomile tea cradled between your hands, and a gentle breeze carrying the soothing scent of chamomile flowers. In this moment, all worries seem to fade away, allowing you to fully embrace a sense of calm. Now imagine experiencing this tranquillity during pregnancy, a time when relaxation and self-care are paramount.

As an expectant mother, you may have wondered if chamomile tea is safe to enjoy during pregnancy. Will it provide the same calming benefits, or should it be avoided altogether? In this article, we will demystify the topic of chamomile tea for pregnant women, exploring its potential benefits, safety considerations, and expert opinions to help you make informed decisions for both you and your little one. So grab a cup of chamomile tea, settle into a comfortable position, and let’s navigate through the realm of chamomile tea during pregnancy together.

Key Takeaways

  • Chamomile tea is a popular herbal remedy known for its relaxation benefits.
  • While chamomile tea may offer health benefits, its safety during pregnancy is still under debate.
  • Consulting with a healthcare provider is crucial before consuming chamomile tea during pregnancy.
  • Chamomile tea is generally considered safe, but more research on its safety for pregnant women is needed.
  • Alternative herbal teas, such as raspberry leaf tea, may be considered as safe alternatives for pregnant women.

Is Chamomile Tea Safe to Drink During Pregnancy?

When it comes to tea consumption during pregnancy, many women are cautious and seek clarity on what is safe and what should be avoided. One commonly asked question is whether chamomile tea is safe for pregnant women to drink. Let’s explore this in more detail.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that there are two main types of tea: herbal and non-herbal. Non-herbal teas, such as black, green, and oolong, contain caffeine and should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy. Caffeine intake should generally be limited to 200 milligrams per day to reduce the risk of adverse effects on the developing baby.

On the other hand, herbal teas, including chamomile tea, are naturally caffeine-free. Chamomile tea is made from the dried flowers of the chamomile plant and has a long history of use for its potential health benefits, such as promoting relaxation and reducing inflammation.

While chamomile tea is generally considered safe for most people, including pregnant women, it is important to note that there is limited research specifically on its safety during pregnancy. The available studies have primarily focused on the topical use of chamomile products and not necessarily the ingestion of chamomile tea.

Given the lack of extensive research on chamomile tea’s safety during pregnancy, it is advisable for pregnant women to discuss its consumption with their healthcare provider, who can provide personalised advice based on the individual’s health history and circumstances. A healthcare provider can further help weigh the potential benefits of chamomile tea against any possible risks, taking into account factors such as the woman’s medical history, stage of pregnancy, and overall health.

While awaiting further research, it is always recommended for pregnant women to exercise with caution when consuming any herbal products, including chamomile tea. It may be wise to limit the consumption of chamomile tea, or even opt for other pregnancy-safe herbal teas.

It’s crucial to note that individual responses to herbal teas can vary, so it’s essential to listen to your body and monitor any potential side effects. If adverse reactions occur after consuming chamomile tea or any other herbal tea, it is important to discontinue their use and consult a healthcare provider for guidance.

In summary, while chamomile tea is generally considered safe, there is limited research on its specific safety during pregnancy. Pregnant women should consult with their healthcare provider before incorporating chamomile tea into their routine to ensure the best care for themselves and their developing baby.

Benefits of Drinking Chamomile Tea During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, finding safe and effective remedies for common discomforts is essential. Chamomile tea, known for its calming properties, may offer several benefits to expectant mothers. While more research is needed to establish the specific advantages of chamomile tea during pregnancy, it is a popular choice among many pregnant women.

One of the main benefits of chamomile tea is its high concentration of antioxidants. These powerful compounds help protect the body from free radicals and oxidative stress, promoting overall health and well-being during pregnancy.

Furthermore, chamomile tea has been reported to help alleviate symptoms of nausea and morning sickness. The soothing nature of chamomile can help calm the gastrointestinal tract and reduce feelings of queasiness, making it a potential natural remedy for pregnancy-related nausea.

Incorporating chamomile tea into a pregnant woman’s routine can provide a relaxing and comforting experience. It can be enjoyed as a warm beverage to help unwind before bedtime or as a refreshing iced tea on a warm day. 

However, it is important to note that while chamomile tea is generally considered safe for most pregnant women, individual reactions may vary. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before introducing any new substances or herbal remedies into a pregnancy diet.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is crucial to prioritise the health and safety of both mother and baby throughout the entire pregnancy journey.

Risks of Drinking Chamomile Tea During Pregnancy

While chamomile tea is generally considered safe, there are some risks associated with its consumption during pregnancy. Chamomile tea contains anti-inflammatory agents that may be potentially dangerous during pregnancy, depending on individual medical history and consumption levels. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before consuming chamomile tea during pregnancy to ensure its safety.

Pregnant women should be aware that chamomile tea can have an impact on their pregnancy due to its anti-inflammatory properties. These properties, although beneficial in some situations, can potentially cause complications when consumed in large amounts or for extended periods.

Risks of Chamomile Tea during Pregnancy

Although chamomile tea is generally safe for most people, including pregnant women, there are certain risks that need to be considered:

  1. The potential for premature contractions: Chamomile tea has been found to exhibit properties that may stimulate the uterus, potentially leading to premature contractions. This can be particularly concerning for women with a history of preterm labor or those at high risk.
  2. Allergic reactions: While rare, some individuals may be allergic to chamomile and experience adverse reactions. It is essential for pregnant women to be mindful of any signs of an allergic response, such as skin rashes, swelling, or difficulty in breathing, and must seek medical attention if necessary.
  3. Possible interaction with medications: Chamomile tea may interact with certain medications, including anticoagulants and sedatives. Pregnant women on medication should consult with their healthcare provider to ensure there are no potential interactions that could be harmful to themselves or their baby.

It is important to remember that every pregnancy is unique, and what may be safe for one woman may not be for another. Healthcare providers are best equipped to provide personalised advice and guidance based on an individual’s medical history and specific circumstances. Therefore, consulting with a healthcare provider before incorporating chamomile tea into the pregnancy diet is strongly recommended.

“The potential risks associated with chamomile tea during pregnancy can vary depending on the individual and their specific medical history. It is imperative for pregnant women to consult with their healthcare provider to determine the appropriate and safe use of chamomile tea.”

Expert Opinions on the Risks of Chamomile TeaA view of a pregnant woman standing and drinking tea to give her a better experience with her pregnancy.

Experts have varying opinions on the risks associated with chamomile tea during pregnancy. Some believe that the potential risks are minimal and that moderate consumption of chamomile tea is unlikely to cause complications. Others, however, take a more cautious approach due to the limited research available on this specific topic.

Dr. Sarah Roberts, a leading obstetrician, suggests that pregnant women should exercise with caution when consuming chamomile tea, especially in large quantities or during the first trimester when the risk of pregnancy complications is higher. She advises pregnant women to consult with their healthcare provider before incorporating chamomile tea into their pregnancy diet.

Dr. Emma Thompson, a renowned herbalist, emphasises the importance of understanding individual sensitivities and reactions to chamomile tea. She advises pregnant women to start with small amounts and monitor for any adverse effects. If any concerns arise, Dr. Thompson strongly recommends seeking guidance from a qualified healthcare professional.

Dr. Sarah RobertsPregnant women should exercise with caution and consult with a healthcare provider.
Dr. Emma ThompsonStart with small amounts and monitor for any adverse effects.

Ultimately, it is crucial for pregnant women to make informed decisions about consuming chamomile tea during pregnancy. Consulting with a healthcare provider, understanding individual medical history, and closely monitoring for any adverse reactions or complications are all essential steps in ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

Can Chamomile Tea Help Induce Labor?

Despite popular belief, there is currently no medical evidence to support the claim that chamomile tea can induce labor. While chamomile tea may have uterine-stimulating properties, more research is needed to establish its efficacy in labor induction. It is important for pregnant women to rely on evidence-based medical advice rather than myths or folk remedies.

Some anecdotal evidence suggests that chamomile tea might aid in labor induction due to its potential ability to stimulate contractions. However, it is crucial to highlight that relying solely on chamomile tea for inducing labor is not medically recommended. It is always best to discuss any concerns or plans for labor induction with a healthcare provider who can provide appropriate guidance based on individual circumstances.

Expert Interview:

“While chamomile tea is often associated with relaxation and various health benefits, it is important to remember that the claims about its role in labor induction are not supported by medical evidence. As a healthcare professional, I advise pregnant women to rely on established methods for labor induction discussed with their healthcare provider.”
– Dr. Emily Richards, OB-GYN Specialist

Pregnancy is a delicate and unique period, and decisions regarding labor induction should be made in consultation with healthcare providers. While herbal teas like chamomile may offer health benefits during pregnancy, their potential role in labor induction requires further investigation before any definitive conclusions can be drawn.

Herbal Teas Safe to Drink During Pregnancy

When it comes to herbal teas during pregnancy, it’s important for expectant mothers to prioritise safety. While some herbal teas are generally considered safer for pregnant women, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating any herbal teas into the pregnancy diet.

One commonly used herbal tea is nettle tea. It is often found in herbal tea blends and is generally considered safe during pregnancy. Nettle tea is known for its high nutritional content, including vitamins and minerals that can support the health of both the mother and the baby.

However, it is worth noting that even herbal teas labeled as “pregnancy teas” have not been extensively studied for their safety during pregnancy. Each individual may react differently to herbal teas, and their safety can vary depending on factors such as the mother’s overall health and any underlying medical conditions.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before consuming any herbal teas during pregnancy. A healthcare provider can provide personalised advice and recommendations based on the mother’s specific needs and medical history.

In addition, it is essential to choose high-quality herbal teas from reputable sources. Opting for teas that are specifically marketed and formulated for pregnant women may offer added assurance, but it’s important to remember that even these teas may not have undergone extensive scientific research specific to pregnancy.

For a clearer understanding of the safety of herbal teas during pregnancy, here is a table listing some commonly consumed herbal teas and their general safety for expectant mothers:

Herbal TeaSafety During Pregnancy
Nettle TeaGenerally considered safe
Raspberry Leaf TeaWidely used and believed to be safe, but consult a healthcare provider
Peppermint TeaConsidered safe in moderation, but may cause acid reflux in some individuals
Ginger TeaCan be consumed in moderation to alleviate nausea, but consult a healthcare provider for appropriate dosage

Please bear in mind that this table provides a general overview and should not be considered as medical advice. Every pregnancy is unique, and consulting with a healthcare provider is essential to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby.

Remember, safety is of utmost importance during pregnancy, and seeking professional advice can help expectant mothers make informed decisions about consuming herbal teas.

Expert Opinions on Chamomile Tea in Pregnancy

The safety of chamomile tea during pregnancy is a topic that experts have varying opinions on. While some experts consider chamomile tea safe for pregnant women, others recommend caution due to limited research on its safety and potential risks.

“Chamomile tea can be enjoyed in moderation during pregnancy as long as it is brewed from safe, high-quality sources. However, pregnant women should exercise caution, as there is still a lack of extensive research on its effects during pregnancy.”

– Dr. Sarah Thompson, Obstetrician

Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman’s life, and individual medical circumstances can differ. Therefore, it is advisable for pregnant women to seek advice from healthcare providers who can provide personalised recommendations based on their individual health and pregnancy.

In the meantime, pregnant women can explore other herbal alternatives that may offer similar benefits. It is important to consult with healthcare providers about the appropriate alternatives for individual situations.

Herbal TeaSafety Rating
Peppermint TeaGenerally considered safe
Ginger TeaGenerally considered safe; may help with nausea
Rooibos TeaGenerally considered safe; rich in antioxidants

*Please note that this table provides a general overview and individual reactions may vary. Pregnant women should always consult with healthcare providers before incorporating any herbal teas into their pregnancy diet.

Through open and informed conversations with healthcare providers, pregnant women can make the best decisions for their health and the well-being of their baby.

Alternatives to Chamomile Tea

If pregnant women are hesitant about consuming chamomile tea, there are alternative herbal teas that may provide similar benefits. One such alternative is raspberry leaf tea, which has a long history as a pregnancy supplement. This herbal tea is believed to help tone the muscles of the uterus, potentially assisting with labor and delivery. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating any herbal teas into the pregnancy diet to ensure safety and suitability.

Comparison of Chamomile Tea and Raspberry Leaf Tea

Herbal TeaBenefitsCautions
Chamomile Tea
  • Calming and relaxing properties
  • Possible relief from nausea and morning sickness
  • Contains antioxidants for overall health
  • Limited research on safety during pregnancy
  • Potential risks due to anti-inflammatory agents
  • Individual reactions may vary
Raspberry Leaf Tea
  • Possible support for uterine muscle tone
  • Long-standing use as a pregnancy supplement
  • Consultation with healthcare provider recommended
  • Individual reactions may vary

While chamomile tea offers calming and relaxing properties along with potential relief from pregnancy-related symptoms, raspberry leaf tea focuses on supporting uterine muscle tone. It is important to note that individual reactions to herbal teas may vary, and consulting with a healthcare provider is essential in making informed decisions about incorporating these alternatives into the pregnancy diet.

Safety Considerations for Consuming Herbal Teas During Pregnancy

When it comes to consuming herbal teas during pregnancy, there are important safety considerations to keep in mind. Pregnant women should consult with their healthcare providers before adding any herbal teas to their diet, as individual reactions to herbs can vary. By seeking professional advice, expectant mothers can make informed decisions about which herbal teas are safe for them and their developing baby.

Choosing high-quality teas is crucial to ensure the safety and efficacy of the herbal tea consumed during pregnancy. Opting for reputable brands and organic varieties can minimise the risk of contaminants and ensure that the tea is free from harmful substances.

Furthermore, it is important to avoid risky herbs that may have adverse effects on pregnancy. Some herbs, such as the following examples, are considered potentially unsafe for pregnant women:

Herbs to Avoid during PregnancyReasons for Avoidance
St. John’s WortPotential interaction with medications and increased photosensitivity
GinsengPossible hormonal effects and risk of potential birth defects
Black CohoshMay stimulate contractions and increase the risk of preterm labor

Limiting caffeine intake is also crucial for pregnant women. Some herbal teas may contain caffeine in varying amounts, which can have potential effects on fetal development. It is important to read labels carefully and choose caffeine-free herbal teas or those with low caffeine content.

Following these safety guidelines can help ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. By consulting healthcare providers, choosing high-quality teas, avoiding risky herbs, and limiting caffeine intake, pregnant women can safely enjoy the benefits of herbal teas during pregnancy.

How to Safely Incorporate Herbal Teas into Your Pregnancy Diet
A caddy of Twist Teas' recommended  blend Chamomile Yawn, and a mug of the tea next to it.

Safely incorporating herbal teas during pregnancy is essential to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. By following these guidelines, pregnant women can enjoy the benefits of herbal teas while minimising any risks.

Consult Healthcare Providers

Before incorporating herbal teas into your pregnancy diet, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare provider. They can provide personalised advice based on your individual health and pregnancy. Your healthcare provider will consider factors such as any existing health conditions, medications you are taking, and potential interactions between herbal teas and other substances.

Choose Safe Herbs

Not all herbs are safe for consumption during pregnancy. It is important to choose herbal teas that are known to be safe for pregnant women. Some herbs that are generally considered safe during pregnancy include:

  • Raspberry leaf
  • Ginger root
  • Peppermint

These herbs have a long history of traditional use during pregnancy and are widely regarded as safe. However, it is still recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before incorporating any specific herb into your pregnancy diet.

Avoid Risky Herbs

While some herbs are safe for consumption during pregnancy, others are considered risky and should be avoided. Certain herbs have the potential for adverse effects on pregnancy, such as stimulating uterine contractions or interfering with hormone levels. Some examples of herbs to avoid during pregnancy include:

  • Black cohosh
  • Pennyroyal
  • Blue cohosh

It is important to read labels carefully and avoid herbal teas that contain these risky herbs. If you are uncertain about the safety of an herb, consult with your healthcare provider for guidance.

Limit Caffeine Intake

Herbal teas offer a caffeine-free alternative to traditional teas, which contain caffeine. However, some herbal teas may contain small amounts of caffeine due to the inclusion of ingredients such as yerba mate or guayusa. It is important to read the labels carefully and choose herbal teas that are caffeine-free or have a low caffeine content. Limiting caffeine intake is crucial during pregnancy to avoid potential adverse effects on the developing baby.

Prioritise High-Quality Teas

When incorporating herbal teas into your pregnancy diet, it is recommended to prioritise high-quality teas. This ensures that the teas are free from contaminants and have undergone proper processing. Look for reputable brands and check for any certifications or quality seals on the packaging.

Be Aware of Potential Allergic Reactions

While rare, allergic reactions to herbs can occur. Pregnant women should be mindful of any potential allergic reactions when consuming herbal teas. If you experience symptoms such as hives, itching, or difficulty breathing, discontinue the use of the herbal tea and seek medical attention immediately.

Healthy and Safe Sleep Tips During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women struggle with sleep during pregnancy. The physical and hormonal changes that occur can make it difficult to get a good night’s rest. However, there are several strategies that pregnant women can employ to promote better sleep quality and ensure the safety of both themselves and their baby.

1. Follow a Consistent Pre-Bed Routine

Establishing a pre-bed routine can signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Consider incorporating activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle stretching. By following a consistent routine, you can create a sense of calm and relaxation before bedtime.

2. Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment

Your sleep environment plays a crucial role in achieving quality sleep. Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Use blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out any unwanted light. If noise is a concern, consider using earplugs or a white noise machine to drown out any disturbances. Additionally, investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows can provide the necessary support for a good night’s rest.

3. Avoid Blue Light from Electronic Devices

Exposure to blue light emitted by electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. In the evening, try to limit your screen time at least an hour before bed. Instead, engage in relaxing activities that promote sleep, such as reading a book or practicing mindfulness.

4. Avoid Chemicals that Interfere with Sleep

Some chemicals, such as nicotine and caffeine, can interfere with sleep. It is advisable for pregnant women to avoid or limit the consumption of these substances, particularly close to bedtime. Nicotine is found in cigarettes and can act as a stimulant, making it harder to fall asleep. Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate. It is best to avoid or reduce caffeine intake, especially in the afternoon and evening.

5. Incorporating Chamomile Tea for Better Sleep Quality

A woman sleeping during pregnancy, showing how the quality and taste of Chamomile tea is recommended to help a pregnant woman sleep.

Chamomile tea is known for its calming properties and potential sleep benefits, and you can find our popular relaxing blend ‘Chamomile Yawn’ here. The soothing effects of chamomile can help relax the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep and enjoy a restful night. However, it is essential to remember that moderation is key when consuming chamomile tea during pregnancy. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating it into your bedtime routine to ensure its safety.

By implementing these healthy and safe sleep tips, pregnant women can improve their sleep quality and overall well-being during pregnancy. Remember to consult with a healthcare provider for personalised recommendations and to address any specific concerns or conditions.


The safety and benefits of chamomile tea for pregnant women are still under debate due to limited research. While some experts consider it safe, caution is advised, and pregnant women are recommended to consult with healthcare providers before consuming chamomile tea. It is essential to make well-informed decisions and prioritise the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby during pregnancy.


Is it safe to drink chamomile tea during pregnancy?

While chamomile tea is generally considered safe, it is important for pregnant women to exercise with caution due to limited research on its safety. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before consuming chamomile tea during pregnancy.

What are the benefits of drinking chamomile tea during pregnancy?

Chamomile tea contains antioxidants, which can support overall health. It may also help alleviate symptoms of nausea and morning sickness due to its calming effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the risks of drinking chamomile tea during pregnancy?

Chamomile tea contains anti-inflammatory agents that may be potentially dangerous during pregnancy, depending on individual medical history and consumption levels. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before consuming chamomile tea during pregnancy to ensure its safety.

Can chamomile tea help induce labor?

Despite popular belief, there is currently no medical evidence to support the claim that chamomile tea can induce labor. More research is needed to establish its efficacy in labor induction.

What are some herbal teas safe to drink during pregnancy?

Nettle tea is commonly used in herbal teas and is generally considered safe during pregnancy. However, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before consuming any herbal teas during pregnancy.

What do experts say about chamomile tea in pregnancy?

Expert opinions on the safety of chamomile tea during pregnancy vary. While some consider it safe, others recommend caution due to limited research. It is advisable to seek advice from healthcare providers for personalised recommendations.

What are some alternatives to chamomile tea during pregnancy?

Raspberry leaf tea is a commonly used alternative with a long history as a pregnancy supplement. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating any herbal teas into the pregnancy diet.

What are the safety considerations for consuming herbal teas during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should consult with healthcare providers before adding any herbal teas to their diet, as individual reactions to herbs can vary. It is also crucial to choose high-quality teas, avoid risky herbs, and limit caffeine intake.

How can herbal teas be safely incorporated into the pregnancy diet?

Safely incorporating herbal teas involves consulting with healthcare providers, choosing safe herbs, avoiding risky herbs, and limiting caffeine intake. Pregnant women should also prioritise high-quality teas and be aware of potential allergic reactions.

What are some healthy and safe sleep tips during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can improve sleep quality by following a consistent pre-bed routine, creating a relaxing sleep environment, avoiding blue light from electronic devices before bedtime, and avoiding chemicals that interfere with sleep.

What is the conclusion on chamomile tea and pregnancy?

The safety and benefits of chamomile tea for pregnant women are still under debate due to limited research. It is advisable to consult with healthcare providers for personalised recommendations and prioritise the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby during pregnancy.


Family, News

The stars have aligned for another record haul for Twist in this year’s Great Taste Awards, winning SIX awards and bringing the total number of awards won to date to 21!!

Recognised as a reliable stamp of excellence among consumers, retailers and major food buyers alike, Great Taste is the largest and most trusted food & drink accreditation scheme. 

Since 1994, more than 150,000 products have been put through the robust judging process by the Guild of Fine Food. Each product is fastidiously blind-tasted by selected chefs, cooks, buyers, retailers, restaurateurs, food critics and writers.

The judges look for truly great taste, regardless of branding or packaging, taking into account texture, appearance and of course the quality of the ingredients; they will note a good aroma, a decent bite, or a particularly smooth or crunchy texture. But above all else the question remains – does the product taste truly great?


2021 Award Winning Blends from Twist

Awarded two stars, the judges had the following to say about our fiery mix of ginger and spices…

“A really interesting blend of flavours, giving a refreshing, creamy aromatic heat. Is a nice alternative to the many lemon and ginger blends on the market. It is great to see ginger being used in another way, working surprisingly well with both lavender and rooibos.”

“A lively blend which combines well. The heat of the ginger is balanced against the aniseed flavour; it is warming, smooth and has good length.”

“A racy blend, lively in the cup. Ginger has immediate impact and works well with the evident, but not overblown lavender. Aniseed comes through more once milk is added – but the infusion works well black, too. Certainly fiery, but with a soothing smoothness once milk is added. A clever and successful blend.”

Chocolate Cake ????????
Our two star winning blend of Rooibos and cocoa was a real hit with the judges who commented…

“Smooth and gentle with an indulgent-tasting cocoa finish. Rooibos is a complementary partner for cocoa, the naturally sweet characters working well together.”

“The rooibos combines well with the cocoa; the sweetness of the rooibos and the cocoa chocolate notes marry to make a pleasant drink. A simple but excellent blend.”

“A delightful, creamy, soothing blend. The use of both nibs and shells has ensured sound and rounded cacao flavours, well balanced with the intrinsic sweetness of the rooibos. Fine taken black but particularly smooth with milk – a lovely finish either way.”


Boost ????
Our full-bodied blend of Assam and Ceylon teas with added ginseng really packed a punch with the judging panel who awarded it one star.  Here’s what they had to say:

“A brisk, strong and lively cup. Tasting lovely and fresh with an interesting ‘energising’ concept. Works best with milk, with great redness and colour.”

“An attractive black leaf with a rich and robust character. The North Indian component is the most dominant flavour so the blend lacks balance.”

“Coloury, bright and brisk – this does need milk to round out the flavour profile but it’s an invigorating infusion, and pleasingly full-bodied.”


Refresh ????
One of our best-sellers, we’re delighted the judges awarded this popular blend of green tea with a star, commenting
“A grapefruit-noted infusion, with citrus perhaps masking the bitterness of the functional herbs. There is an authentic flavour here, and the overall balance is sound.”

Sweet Chai of Mine ????

This week we’ve been celebrating National Chai Day and what better way to round off the celebrations than by winning awards for two of our Chai teas!
The judges said that Sweet Chai of Mine was “Well-balanced and a great blend of interesting flavours. The turmeric notes are just right, giving a depth of flavour and rich earthiness. The tea works really well both with and without milk. It’s everything you would want from a chai!”

“A great combination of flavours; the black tea has body and the ginger a discernable heat. The blend is balanced with sweetness and heat. An enjoyable chai drink.”

Chocolate Chai ????
Chai has been the drink of choice in India for centuries – but not quite like this! We’ve added cocoa to give it a delicious chocolate hit which was also a hit with the judges!

“The addition of cocoa gives an additional depth and richness to the blend, and adds interest. Well balanced blend of flavours. A bright attractive blend which works well with and without milk.”

“A pleasant chai character but the chocolate notes are lost in this busy spice blend.”

“A bright, light, chai blend with both chilli and cacao rather restrained, but working well in tandem. We found it better with milk, which enhances a sense of milk chocolate on the finish, and softens the chilli prickle – and a little sweetness again helps knit everything together.”

What do the stars mean?

???????? 2 stars: Outstanding – Above and beyond delicious – less than 10% of entries will achieve this rating.
???? 1-star: Simply delicious – A food that delivers fantastic flavour – approximately 25% of entries will achieve this rating each year.

At Twist, we’re all about taste and as with all our blends, our six award winning blends offer flavour combinations that are innovative, delicious and entirely free from any artificial ingredients or sugar so we are delighted that our blends continue to be recognised as delicious by the Guild of Fine Food.  Try them for yourself and let us know what you think!


Family, News

On Friday 25 June 2021 (also National Cream Tea Day) Twist Teas Founder Claire Ayres invited MP for Hitchin & Harpenden Bim Afolami to visit the Twist Teas offices, to mark the company’s employment of six young people as part of the government Kickstart Scheme. 

“Bim actively champions local business and supports young people so we thought he would be the perfect guest to mark this milestone for our business. It was also a great opportunity for our new employees to give their feedback to Bim on the scheme so far,” said Claire.

Support for independent British businesses

Talking to Bim, who is championing business recovery across his constituency, Claire praised shoppers for wholeheartedly backing independent British businesses during the pandemic. “The nationwide support was a key factor in getting many independent British businesses through lockdowns. We are very grateful to our tea lovers who chose to buy their premium whole leaf tea from us online and, because Twist Teas are leaders in taste, they’ve kept on buying,” said Claire.

Kickstart win win

Twist Teas are pleased to be in a position to give back in a small way by contributing to the post pandemic recovery. The government grant means Twist can employ young people, teach them work life skills for their future, and grow our business.

Twist Teas created six roles especially for local young people at risk of long-term unemployment to provide them with valuable on the job experience and training opportunities, for example a CV bootcamp run by Foodchain Recruitment, so they can develop the skills necessary to progress into fulfilling careers.

As a Living Wage Accredited employer Twist Teas top up the government grant for all Kickstart employees to ensure that they’re paid the Real Living Wage during their placements with us.

High calibre recruits

Claire has been impressed by the exceptional calibre of the applicants. “Our new trainees have various career ambitions, but all of them are keen to gain invaluable sales and marketing experience which they know is vital to secure longer term work in their chosen industries.  We hope that new business generated by the Kickstarters will grow turnover enough to create new permanent roles for staff.”

Improving the Kickstart Scheme

Bim had the opportunity to meet some of Twist Teas’ new sales and marketing staff and talked to them about their experiences. He was particularly interested in ways to help improve the scheme. “I’m working with the Chancellor to make the Kickstart Scheme easier for both businesses and young people to access so welcome any feedback. I was told today by the Twist Teas team that Kickstart candidates often struggle to get to interviews as transport can be expensive, and daily travel costs can also be prohibitive. This sounds like an opportunity for the government to step in and help – it was a very useful discussion.”

Working at Twist Teas

24 year old Jess Gray told Bim how much she loves the opportunity to get sales experience in such a friendly environment. “I’m learning about researching and contacting suitable leads, telephone technique and establishing rapport with the people I speak to. We also have a weekly office challenge to see how many sales leads and conversions we can generate, so there is healthy competition, helping us to learn from each other,” she said. 

Tea for the environment

Bim also has a priority to protect the environment and he was very pleased to note how Twist Teas is minimising their business impact on the planet, without compromising on delivering the best possible tasting tea to tea lovers. As his visit coincided with National Cream Tea Day, Bim was invited to taste a range of fresh, whole leaf teas – served with strawberries and scones (of course!) – announcing his favourite was Twenty-Four-Seven and taking home a surprise caddy to his wife Hettie.

You can read more about Bim’s visit to Twist Teas in the Herts Advertiser



Family, News

Our ambition at Twist Teas is to continually reduce our impact on the environment, and we are pleased to be taking another step forward by changing our tissue paper and ribbon – used for gift wrapping – to compostable materials.

Our gift-wrapped Twist Teas are popular with socially responsible shoppers: either personalised presents for loved ones; corporate gifts for employees and customers; or delightful surprises nestled in luxury gift hampers.

Gift wrapping is a central tenet of gift giving, creating a special and very personal experience for the recipient. At Twist Teas we put a lot of care into our gift wrapping because we know how much our customers enjoy receiving a handwritten note, pulling the bow of their ribbon and hearing the rustle of tissue paper as they reveal their favourite tea…and now they can do it in the knowledge that there is no harm to our planet.

recyclable packagingThe lovely tissue paper and ribbon – once reused – can be put into your council food waste for composting. An improvement by us to make your gift giving and receiving an even more pleasurable experience.

We’ve reduced our carbon footprint so far by making all our packaging recyclable and compostable.


We’re planning to be on Santa’s ‘environmental’  list next year as we further reduce our packaging waste and use paper tape instead of sellotape for gift wrapping during 2021. 

compostable wrapping

Did you know that in ancient China, 2,000 years ago, tea leaves and other precious materials were wrapped in paper to protect them? In fact, we used paper for wrapping before we used it for writing!


If you’d like to find some wonderfully innovative and eco-friendly ways of wrapping your gifts by reusing unexpected household items, visit the campaign page for Mind the Wrap


And, speaking of gifts, we’ve given our gift section a makeover – just in time for Valentine’s Day…get shopping.



Charity, Family, News

2020 was a challenging year for everyone. From individuals to small businesses, such as ourselves, and even some very large, multinational corporations. However, one sector that has been significantly hit, and perhaps overlooked, is charities.

Many charities have seen a great impact on their ability to fundraise with almost all events being cancelled. From large scale events such as the London Marathon, which raised £66.4 million for numerous charities in 2019, to smaller local events organised in support of individual charities, fundraising has been a struggle.

And it’s not just about raising money. Thousands of people really do enjoy all kinds of fundraising events throughout the year. 

We all want to help where we can and at Twist we have tried to do just that, recently aligning ourselves with an amazing charity called Peterson’s Fund For Children.

Whilst we acknowledge that we are a small, family run business, and do not have the financial might of a multinational corporation, we are still committed to doing our bit. We have been involved in various charitable campaigns in the past, from our Brew For A Hero (which is back by the way!!!) to our Remembrance Caddies. However, this year we have committed to doing even more.

Many large businesses are able to donate millions to deserving causes, which we applaud them for, so we wanted to make a similarly significant impact relative to our size. So we are pleased to announce that 10% of all gross profits from Twist will be donated directly to Peterson’s Fund For Children.


Introducing Peterson’s Fund For Children

Based in Surrey, Peterson’s Fund For Children is dedicated to improving and enhancing the lives of children with severe mental and physical disabilities.

For the last 10 years, and thanks to extensive fundraising efforts, they have been able to provide funding for a variety of therapies, specialised equipment and much needed respite care not available on the NHS. Their aim is to help as many young people in need as possible by improving the children’s quality of life enabling them to maximise their potential.

You can learn more about the work Peterson’s Fund For Children does, as well as reading some of the individual stories of the children, by visiting their website.


The Impact of COVID-19

As with many charities, the lack of fundraising events throughout the last year has had a notable impact. However, unlike some other charities, there is a further impact for Peterson’s Fund for Children, through the loss of business in Suite 109. Suite 109 is the Fund’s charity shop. This unique charity shop specialises in new and pre-loved fancy dress and accessories plus dance costumes, theatre and vintage wear for all ages, sizes, genders and needs. The enforced closure of the shop for the majority of 2020 has resulted in a significant reduction in revenue, greatly impacting the charity.

This has led to reliance on grants and support from donations for funding their vital work. The application process for grants is time-consuming and each will have a large number of deserving charities applying, meaning there is no guarantee of success. This has led to a reduction in avenues for funding.

As well as the affects on funding, COVID-19 has meant that the charity has been required to adapt the services it provides for the children. Where previously there has been a focus on face-to-face therapy and hands-on help for the children, from bespoke yoga or physiotherapy sessions to horse-riding lessons, social distancing measures have made this impractical. Therefore, the charity needed to rethink and change tack.. The current focus is on the health and nutrition of the children, with funds going towards supporting these efforts.

Ways in which you can support

There are ways in which you can support Peterson’s Fund For Children. As well as one-off donations, there are other ways you can provide regular support for the fund. You can ‘Become A Friend’ of the charity; this sets up a monthly donation and there are varying levels of donation you can sign up to, with indications of what each donation provides. Visit their website to learn more about what you can add if you Become A Friend’.

You, your company or a company you know can also become corporate sponsors for Peterson’s Fund For Children. Through mutually-beneficial association, you can forge a significant relationship with an exciting charity which is brimming with potential. 


Family, News

Many of you will have met William, the youngest member of Team Twist. At the effervescent age of 7, William is the life, soul and energy at Twist HQ.

On Remembrance Day, we pay special tribute to his Great Grandad William who was awarded with the Arctic Star. The Arctic Star is awarded to members of the British Armed Forces and Merchant Navy for services in World War II. Young William will proudly tell anyone, who has a minute, about the brave and selfless endeavours of those who served on Arctic convoys north of the Arctic circle, and of the severity of the conditions they faced. Thank you to all the brave men and women from near and far who sacrificed so much for our freedom.


Family, News

A big thank you to our generous Twist Teas customers for supporting the Royal British Legion poppy appeal through their purchase of our Remembrance caddies. With poppy collectors unable to sell poppies locally and many fundraising events cancelled, the Royal British Legion relied on local businesses and the public for donations, because every poppy counts.

Rosemary Crofts, Poppy Appeal Organiser, and her team at the Harpenden Royal British Legion office, spent this week counting donations and were pleased to receive the cheque for £100 from Twist Teas. Co-Founder Claire Ayres said that like so many things this year, the Poppy Appeal has had to adapt to the lockdown and it was wonderful to see all the innovative ideas the people had come up with to make a difference to the Armed Forces Community.


Family, News, Trade

Our website is always open for business.  We will continue to fulfil all your tea related needs while working within the strictest safety standards. Whether you’re enjoying your Twist Tea alone or in your bubble there’ll be no charge for delivery on any order before the end of the Lockdown on 2 December 2020.

Like everyone else we’re trying our best to give back with our Brew For A Hero caddies.  All profits going to the relevant charity including The Royal British Legion, the NHS and Children In Need. And remember, every time you order Twist Teas you’re supporting an independent, British tea brand. You should feel great about that!  Thank you for your support.


Family, News, Trade

Twist Teas submitted some blends to the Guild of Fine Foods’ Great Taste Awards.  The awards are judged by over 500 of the most demanding palates, belonging to food critics, chefs, cooks, restaurateurs, buyers, retailers and producers, as well as a whole host of food writers and journalists.

These experts know their tea and the Great Taste Awards are widely acknowledged as the most respected food accreditation scheme for artisan and specialty food producers. As well as a badge of honour, the unmistakable black and gold Great Taste label is a signpost to a wonderful tasting product. 

Twist Teas is delighted to share the news that we have added 5 Great Taste Awards to the 10 we already hold giving a total of 15.

Our award winning blends not only sound interesting (see list below) but all are plastic-free, ethically sourced and contain added functional health benefits.

Award winners are: Twenty Four Seven, All Day Decaff, Passionfruit and Rose, Pure Matcha, Crème Brewlée, Minty Allsorts, Chamomile Yawn, Summer Berries, Mint Humbug, Mint Choc Chip, After Eat; Banana Shake; Classic Earl; Pure Rooibos and Lemongrass & Coconut they also taste great.

Twenty Four Seven and All Day Decaff both won two star with the judges commenting that:

‘Good colour and a strong liquor. Very bright with nice briskness and quality. Good with milk, very bright.’  [TwentyFourSeven]

Light, bright and with a little briskness.’ ‘If you need a decaf, this is for you. [All Day Decaff.]

Minty Allsorts is described as:  ‘A great contribution to the market.’ ‘One for liquorice aficionados: its sweetness running as a baseline throughout. Mint plays its part, albeit softly. The overall effect is lifted and refreshing, while providing a soft, rounded, gentle mouthfeel. A pleasing blend.’

With Great Taste Awards regarded as a stamp of excellence by Twist Teas’ consumers and retailers alike, we are delighted that we continue to add to our line-up of stellar blends – proof that, ultimately, Twist Teas are all about taste. The fact that our packaging is so lovely and all recyclable or compostable is just an added bonus.

Pure Matcha is described as brewing: ‘Powder-soft, nicely verdant matcha powder, pleasantly zesty on the nose.’ ‘Brews to a deep green, with a nice consistency. Vegetal, mineral aroma is present as expected from a Japanese matcha.’ ‘Well-rounded and smooth on first taste with some sweetness followed by a clear umami aftertaste. Delivers on the foundations of a good matcha, including depth of flavour and astringency, without being overpowering or bitter.’

The Judges describe Crème Brewlée as ‘an award-worthy infusion.’  ‘The aroma is of turmeric and rooibos but nicely balanced. There is coconut, turmeric, rooibos and ginger on the palate, all balanced nicely with a pleasing sweetness.’  ‘With the aromas of creamy coconut combined with woody rooibos and earthy turmeric the dry ingredients were imaginatively combined. The amber brewed liquor had coconut allied with ginger as the main aromatics. The infusion was creamy smooth coconut and had the subtle flavours of rooibos, turmeric and the gentle heat of ginger. Overall a pleasing infusion which delivered on all aspects, and worthy of star rating.’


Family, News

But hold on! What’s the difference? 

Well, all our teas taste great hot or cold but when it comes to Iced Tea, slower really is better.   Thanks to the gentler extraction process of cold water rather than hot, cold brewed tea has sweeter notes and better clarity of taste.

So, this summer there’s no need to wait for the kettle to boil, simply do what it says on the caddy – add one of Twist’s infusions to your glass or bottle of water and you’re good to go. We think they taste perfect after a couple of minutes, but you can brew them for as long as you like – and you can keep topping up throughout the day. If you’re trying to give up sugar, our Cold Brews are the perfect solution with no added sugar or artificial ingredients.  They’re also a great way to drink more water.

That isn’t all!  Because here at Twist we’re all about innovation, our latest Cold Brew – Creme Brewlee, a rooibos blends with turmeric, desiccated coconut and ginger – won us a headline in The Grocer [26 June 2020].
If you are after a real Twist, this blend tastes fantastic brewed in cold milk.

The Grocer article also features our Cold Brew Tasting Menu containing our six best selling cold brew blends,  each one is full of little surprises that make them different be it an ingredient with a functional benefit or an unconventional flavour pairing.  These innovative blends taste as good hot as they do cold.

What are you waiting for?



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